
CUCHEN’s Business Overseas Sales

CUCHEN is proactively engaging in business activities tailored to the local market conditions in North America, Europe, Asia and other regions as part of its localization strategy.

Overseas Sales

CUCHEN's Global Sales Team – Expanding Business Horizons in the Global Market
We are operating our business in over 18 countries, including the U.S., China, the U.K., Germany, France, Russia, Türkiye, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Australia, Canada, Japan, Argentina, Vietnam, Singapore, Kazakhstan.

Key products sold in each region

∙Russia : Rice-cooker, Air-washer, Multi-cooker ∙North America : Rice cooker, Multi Cooker etc. ∙Japan : Rice cooker ∙China : Rice cooker ∙Asia : Rice cooker ∙Others : Rice cooker, Air Humidifier etc.